Blonde at the Tips.

Clearly, as you may have noticed in my posts, I am not a hairstylist. Nor am I a professional writer. Nor am I very cool.

But I do really like to write. And I like to play, experiment, make fun of myself, and try all sorts of new things. As my hair is beginning to grow, you may be noticing my ever-evolving roots.

They're sort of out of control. Just a little bit. In addition to my blonde "tips", I would like to point out something else.

Since I'm rather new at this whole hair-blogging thing, I clearly am not good at taking step-by-step photos nor at describing the way I style my hair properly. Also, I know I don't sound super-smart all the time (but I am, I promise!). Thus, the "blonde" tips. I truly apologize if I ever confuse you. If you ever have questions, please please don't hesitate to email me at byebyebeehive(at)gmail(dot)com.

Well, I hope you're able to enjoy/tolerate my blonde blondness. For the next 321 days anyway.  :)