10 Ways to Wear a Braid

A little over a month ago, I guest posted on Ma Nouvelle Mode about 10 ways to wear a braid. I thought that post was pretty cool... and awesome enough that I needed to share it on my own blog.

So here we go...

10 ways to wear a braid. Are you ready for it? Count 'em. It's 10.

  1. Three by three
  2. Halo braid
  3. Braided side topsy tail
  4. Headband braid
  5. Braided chignon
  6. Double plait to a messy bun
  7. French braid a la bun
  8. Fishtail
  9. Boho braid
  10. Twist Braid
Some are easy, and some are a bit complicated. Luckily for you, if you click each link above, it will take you to my page so you can learn how to do those braided hairstyles.

Which braid are you just dying to try?? Some are cool... some are just not my style... but rock it, sister, if it's your thing!
