
Is anyone else a HUGE fan of America's Next Top Model? My brother and I are basically obsessed with that show. We get together and watch it every week. Last year, for the ANTM Cycle 16 Finale, my brother even let me dress him up as Miss J. My brother is 18. I would post a picture of him modeling his Miss J. makeup and attire... but I'm fairly sure he would kill me...

... In fact, when I teased him that I was going to post this picture, he texted me right back and said, "I would be HONORED!" So clearly, I had to post it. See, that's what I mean. We are huge fans of ANTM. HUGE.

When I began BBB, a few people kept suggesting that I donate my hair after the year-long challenge is over as another way to give back to the community. At first, I thought it was a great idea... but I would be far too nervous to do it. I just don't know if I could put in all that work for a whole year (or more) just to give it away.

Then the idea hit me. What if I could get a Ty-Over? I know it's a long shot, but that would totally make chopping my hair off worth it. If you're not familiar with Ty-Overs, they're basically a make-over by Tyra. Some of the girls love them and embrace their new hair-do's, whereas others cry and throw hissy fits at losing a couple inches of hair. It's very comical, and Tyra and her team always make the BEST decisions when it comes to the make-over choices. It's like they just know what a person's best look will be. Now, there have been exceptions, like Molly's blonde weave on Cycle 16. But overall, Tyra knows what's up. She is fierce, people.

So I decided to reach out to Tyra via Twitter... the all-powerful resource. I tweeted a simple message. It read:
If Bye Bye Beehive is successful, I want a Ty-Over in the end! How cool would that be? I'd donate my hair for that!
I didn't think much of it at the time... but I'm serious now. Heck, who wouldn't do anything for a Ty-Over? It would be my dream-come-true. The perks are as follows:
  1. I would get to meet Tyra. Banks. Oh. My. Goodness. She's my idol.
  2. I would get a sweet Ty-Over.
  3. My hair would be donated to Locks of Love.
  4. Did I mention I would get to meet Tyra? Seriously. Dream. Come. True.
Tyra—I need this Ty-Over. It would be the coolest experience of my life. A chance to meet THE Tyra Banks, get a one-of-a-kind make-over, and the opportunity to make one person's dream a reality by donating my hair so it could be made into a wig.

In all seriousness, I know I'm a dork. It won't happen. But it sure is fun to pretend. And dream. And be a silly goof ball. 

PS>> YOU could possibly help! Tweet Tyra @tyrabanks and tell her how cool this would be!! Please!

The Indecisive One.

 Well, this is embarrassing.
As you remember from Wednesday,
I considered doing away with my 365-day project.

In fact, I was so gung-ho about ending the project,
I went to my dad's house to retrieve my blow dryer, straightener and curling iron.
(I kept them at a different house so I wouldn't be tempted!)
I even went to Sally's Beauty Supply and stocked up on a couple products:
hairspray, dry shampoo, texture gel and a hair mask.

Then, I got home, reorganized my bathroom to include all my new little friends,
and hopped in the shower.
When I got out, I pulled out the blow dryer.
And that's when I began to sweat.
I've gone 5 months without using any product, heat or damaging my hair.
I was about to end that streak.

You guys. I couldn't do it.
I could NOT bring myself to use that incredibly wonderful blow dryer.
I told myself, "If I can go 5 months, I can go one more day."
Plus, why would I blow dry my hair just to go to bed?
Pointless. I want it to be worth it!
So I decided, I'm really NOT sure what I am going to do...
but I'm going to play it as I go.

This morning, I did use dry shampoo.
(I have been using baby powder for the last 5 months, but that causes icky buildup...
and smells like baby's bum).
Now, if you consider that I failed my project because of that...
that's a bummer.
I don't consider dry shampoo a damaging product, so you know what? 
I'm going to use it.
That texture gel?
I'll probably use that, too.

And who knows, those two little products may just be enough to get me through the next 7 months.
Maybe all I needed was a little pick-me-up.

To be quite honest— I have no idea.
I've always been known for my indecisiveness.
So I'm not necessarily going to say WHAT I'm going to do.
But either way, it's an adventure!
I hope you'll continue to ride on this roller coaster with me.


BYE BYE Bye Bye Beehive?

Ready for some honesty?

Sorry, folks, but you're going to get it anyways.
Here's the deal.
Last October, I began Bye Bye Beehive as a journey to achieve the long, beautiful, healthy hair I've always desired.
Now, 5 months later, I'm ready to move on...
I think it may be time to say "bye bye" to Bye Bye Beehive.

When I began BBB, it was about ME.
My hair, my project, my thing I wanted to do.
Now I feel like it's more about YOU, and trying to just scramble to come up with anything to talk about.
My heart's just not in it.

And here's the thing...
though I have come up with some pretty amazing hairstyles,
I have lost confidence in myself.
I don't enjoy doing my hair the way I used to.
Trust me, when my hair was being processed all the time, I came up with some really cool styles.
I am just not motivated lately to try any more.
My hair just seems to have no life left in it.

I don't look at this as "failing."
It was definitely a learning experience.
I learned that I don't have to have crazy-big hair all the time.
I learned that I can still be beautiful without hairspray.
I learned that I've got some darn-awesome dedication...
5-months is a long time!
I've learned that LIFE IS TOO SHORT.
If your heart's not in it and you're not doing it for you,
then don't even bother.
Why would I waste one more moment of this incredible life
thinking about how I'm not having the best possible experience and doing what I really want to do?

On that note,
I know that life is not all about hair.
Heck, it's such a minor thing that really-- no one cares.
So honestly, I know that you won't HATE me because I couldn't go the whole year.
Even if I did go the whole year, who cares if I'm the "girl who went a year without doing her hair."
I mean, is that supposed to be cool?
To me, it's really not.
I want to enjoy my time, enjoy doing my hair, and enjoy the projects that I take on.
And this very moment... I'm not enjoying myself.

Now... I HAVE NOT decided which route I'm going to take.
But here me on this... it's definitely being considered.

And I'll tell you this... if I do decide to end this project now,
I will most likely be posting sweet hairstyles a lot more often,
only blow-drying my hair once in a while,
and I'll probably continue rockin' the ombre I've currently got going on.
I rather enjoy the whole hippy look I've come to adopt, and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon.

P.S. If you're interesting in following my daily journey through life, head
straight over to AUNIE SAUCE, my little blog about life, style and all things ME!


Month 5.

Month 1.                                        Month 2.                                       Month 3.

Month 4.                                                                    Month 5.

Womp. I find I'm slightly frustrated with this month's progress.
It doesn't seem like my hair has grown at all.
Goodness gracious.
However, if you check out the pieces of hair that are sticking out of the braid,
you will notice that the layers are longer than they were before.
Can you see it?
Is it just me?

I also decided to start taking the monthly progress pictures in a white shirt.
The last couple months, it's been hard to differentiate the growth because of the hair 
contrast against the black shirt.
So, voila, I solved our problems by subbing in my trusty white T-shirt.

Guest Hairstyle: Jamie with the Braided Updo

Today I'm bringing you a special little guest.
 Her name is Jamie.
Last weekend, she attempted the

She rocked it!!

 She didn't do it the exact way I did it,
 since her hair isn't quite long enough.
Which is awesome because I believe my hairstyles 
are meant to be adapted.
 She did the plaits first, 
clipped them to wear the bun would be, 
 then did the bun so you couldn't quite see the pins.
Rockin', Jamie!! Thank you!


Chic Up the Boho Side Braid


Remember the Boho Side Braid I did a couple of weeks ago?
Want to add a simple little trick that totally classes it up?

Wrap a piece of your hair around the ponytail holder
and secure it with a bobby pin or two.
It totally makes this look go from fun to chic.



Give it a Try!!

Ok you guys.
It's been 143 Days since I began Bye Bye Beehive.
That means I have 7 months and 8 days left. Ugh.

My challenge to YOU this weekend is to try a weekend without heat!
NO blow dryer, NO straightener, NO curling iron.

Come on... give it a shot. See if you can do it.
I know a couple readers who have tried it... and seen great results.
I'd love to know how it goes! 

Good luck!
